CRAN/E | R Packages from Justin Talbot

Justin Talbot

Author of 2 R packages

Quick info

Justin Talbot has worked on 2 packages so far. In total, Justin Talbot has worked with 9 other authors on those packages. A true team player!

Packages overview


Package details


Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2'

Jeffrey B. Arnold , Gergely Daroczi , Bo Werth , Brian Weitzner , Joshua Kunst , Baptise Auguie , Bob Rudis , Hadley Wickham , Justin Talbot , Joshua London


Axis Labeling

Justin Talbot


Jeffrey B. Arnold
Gergely Daroczi
Bo Werth
Brian Weitzner
Joshua Kunst
Baptise Auguie
Bob Rudis
Hadley Wickham
Joshua London